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The Three Days of Darkness by Albert J. Hebert

The Three Days of Darkness by Albert J. Hebert

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"AUTHOR'S "UPDATE" NOTE TO EIGHTEENTH Already, in this Three Day's Darkness book we have more prophecies than needed to strongly affirm that the Darkness will occur sooner or later. A number of recent prophecies from reliable visionaries could be added to support those already given in the book. Space does allow their inclusion, nor is the matter important. Accompanying messages from such visionaries always accent that the important thing is to live a very good life and to trust in God. We do add one message from a recently published American visionary. It "The coming of the three days of darkness is closer than many of My Children can realize. For this reason My warnings and My prodigies have been granted." - The Blessed Mother, March 10, 1994." "A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR TO THE In presenting this book, THE THREE DAYS' DARKNESS, the last thing the author would intend is to inspire fear, except for that healthy "fear of the Lord", the gift of the Holy Spirit, which, when accepted, brings a right will, a good life, filial confidence in God and true peace of mind and heart. The author has tried to balance the prospect, indeed, morally speaking, the surety now of coming fearsome, even apocalyptic like events, with the reassurances from God Himself, Scriptural and otherwise prophetical, of His care and protection for those of His children who remain faithful to Him. Under the shadow of His wings we can rejoice and not only feel but be adbolutely secure. There is no need of rworry or anxiety, or a restless striving to figure out or anticipate future events, especially their exact timing. As the Lord said to "None of My creatures will fathom My thoughts and plans!...None of the people on earth will know the day and the hour of the punishment. It will come suddenly!" He is speaking here of the final great Chastisement. What is important is that we put ourselves in the arms of Christ and Mary while we do work hard at prayer,...." [from book]

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