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Daily Roman Missal, 7th Edition - By Rev. James Socias

Daily Roman Missal, 7th Edition - By Rev. James Socias

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SKU:45563 P#45563

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Product's Collections:

By Rev. James Socias

The new Daily Roman Missal (according to the Roman Missal, Third Edition with the new English translation that goes into effect Advent 2011) includes prayers and readings to all Sunday and daily Masses in one volume. It also includes Masses for the Dead, and many Ritual, Votive and other Masses. It is a complete source for following the Mass, and reflecting on its profound beauty and grace. Available in hardbound—the Daily Roman Missal is an ideal size to carry, at just 4.75" x 6.75," it easily fits in a briefcase, backpack, or carry-on when traveling.

Anytime, Anywhere ...

Reflect and pray on the beauty and meaning of the Mass. This missal helps you prepare, participate in and live the daily celebration of the Eucharist.

Special Features:

Prayers, antiphons, and readings (A-B-C cycle for Sundays, two-year cycle for weekdays) for all Masses throughout the liturgical year. 

English and Latin texts side-by-side or the Order of Mass (including the four Eucharistic Prayers), the Entrance and Communion Antiphons, the response to the Responsorial Psalm, the Sequence, the Alleluia verse, and a number of devotions and prayers. 

Contains all the saints on the General Roman Calendar, adapted for use in the dioceses of the United States of America.

Durable, Smith-sewn binding that lays flat from cover to cover when open.

Six colored placeholder ribbons. 

More than 200 pages of devotions and prayers. 

Includes the Rite for Exposition and Benediction as well as a guide for Confession. 

Foreword by Rev. Msgr. James P. Moroney, Consultor to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.

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