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CD - The Stations of the Cross by Fr. Kevin Scallon and Dana

CD - The Stations of the Cross by Fr. Kevin Scallon and Dana

Regular price $16.95
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In making the Stations of the Cross, we accompany Jesus on His last journey to Calvary. This beautiful prayter centers on fourteen different representations, or stations. Traditionally, each Station contemplates a scene from Christ's final journey through either silent or spoken meditation and prayer. Dana and Fr. Kevin Scallon CM, through powerful word and song, offer a beautiful interpretation of this wonderful meditation on the Passion and Death of our Savior. You might also like: The Rosary (Including the Luminous Mysteries) - Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM In Memory Of Me (A Rosary To Pray For Our Priests) - Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM The Chaplet of Divine Mercy - Dana & Damien Scallon The Rosary of Guadalupe - Dana & Msgr. Chavez Mother of Mercy: A Rosary of Healing - Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM

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