A Call To Joy - Living In The Presence Of God By Matthew Kelly
A Call To Joy - Living In The Presence Of God By Matthew Kelly
A Call to Joy is an indispensable handbook of Christian spirituality. A writer like Matthew Kelly is hard to come by, for he powerfully blends candid observation, and inspiring philosophy that brings his reader to new heights of realization. The result in A Call to Joy is a captivating and lucid writing that challenges each of us to change and to grow into the better people we know we can be. Kelly dares us to find ourselves in this book - to resist the pressures of the modern world, and to live the Christian life to the fullest. A Call to Joy is genuine, powerful, and deeply wise. Matthew Kelly's message in this book has broken new ground in the search for faith and meaning in the modern world - it extends an irresistible invitation to join him on an adventurous journey of the soul.