St. Joseph the Home Seller - Story and Guide
The practice of burying a St. Joseph statue to help sell a home has its roots in Catholic devotion to St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and a patron saint of workers and families. Over the centuries, St. Joseph has become associated with real estate and home sales due to his role as a provider for the Holy Family. The tradition is said to have begun in the Middle Ages when nuns buried medals and eventually statues of St. Joseph while praying for land to expand their convents.
In modern times, this devotion evolved into the use of a small St. Joseph statue, often included in a "St. Joseph Home Sale Kit," where sellers place the statue on their property, as a symbolic plea for St. Joseph’s intercession. However, the specifics of how or where to bury the statue—whether near the "For Sale" sign, upside down or right-side up, during the day or under a full moon—are not based on official Church teachings but fall into the realm of superstition. The tradition was simply founded with a likeness of St. Joseph being buried on the property.
What truly matters in the eyes of God is sincere prayer, setting an honest price for the home, and trusting Him to provide. When approached with devotion, this practice can be a meaningful way to ask for St. Joseph's prayers, as many believers have experienced success with this tradition.
(State or keep your intentions in mind while reciting the following prayer)
1900-Year-Old Prayer to St. Joseph:
so great, so strong, so prompt
And Home Sellers